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Mr. Chris Booth,
Keraugant, Loctudy, France


123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999

(123) 555-6789


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Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching

I support leaders and managers who take up new responsibilities with an international dimension, such as

  • heading up an international team
  • leading an international project
  • running operations with foreign subsidiaries
  • expatriation (French nationals being expatriated and Anglo-Saxons relocating to France)

I also provide one-off support to managers who have a high-stakes presentation to prepare, a meeting to lead, a negotiation to prepare… 

The benefits

I help you to

  • better understand the challenges and complexities of working internationally
  • decode your cultural biases
  • question your habits and preferences, and discover alternative strategies
  • develop skills and attitudes to work with cultural differences (and not against them) – to reach your business goals
  • gain confidence in your ability to build trust, get buy-in and influence